Schedule: Virtual Cottage Meetings with Cory Maloy

To: Utah County Republican Party Delegates for Leg. District 6,


I will be holding several virtual cottage meetings between March 21 and April 18 (Convention Day). I will be conducting them through Zoom. About two days before each meeting, I will email you the login information for the meeting. You can join via audio or by audio and video. I will be on with audio and video. Since we can’t meet together in homes and other locations, this is probably the best way for us to meet and give you an opportunity to hear from me and ask questions you may have.

You don’t have to wait for the meetings though. Please feel free to contact me anytime by calling, texting, or email. You can also contact me and/or get more information at and . And on Twitter at @cory_maloy and Instagram at @cory_maloy. 801-477-0019

I look forward to virtually meeting with you! Here is the schedule:

  • March 21, 8:30 am

  • March 28, 9:00 am

  • April 4, 9:00 am

  • April 11, 9:00 am


2020 Convention Speech: Rep. Cory Maloy


Utah County Republican Party Caucus and Convention Information